Section A: Proposing a Bill:
- A Bill can be proposed by any current Member of Parliament
- For a bill to be put into Parliamentary Consideration, it must be seconded by a Member of Parliament who does not appear on the list of authors of the bill
- Confidence Motions must be seconded and thirded.
- Constitutional Amendments must require 2/3rds of Parliament’s support, in order to be passed.
Section B: Choosing a Prime Minister:
- In the absence of a Prime Minister, Members of Parliament must vote for a new Prime Minister
- The candidate for Prime Minister must be a sitting Member of Parliament
- A Member of Parliament must propose a bill that specifies their Candidate for Prime Minister.
- If there is a sitting Prime Minister, and if there is a Confidence Motion for another candidate, if that Confidence Motion passes, the Sitting Prime Minister gets replaced by the Candidate specified in the bill.
- If the Confidence Motion for another candidate fails, the Sitting Prime Minister maintains their position
- If there is more than one Confidence Motion, each for a separate Candidate, the Confidence Motion with the most votes in favour gets passed.
- This ensures that the candidate with the most confidence of the House of Commons becomes Prime Minister
Section C: Choosing a Speaker:
- In the absence of a Speaker, Members of Parliament must vote for a new Speaker.
- A Speaker must be a Member of Parliament
- A Speaker will be selected by a simple majority vote in Parliament
- The candidate for Speaker with the most votes becomes Speaker of the House of Commons
Section D: Prime Ministerial Responsibilities:
- The Prime Minister serves as the official representative of the nation to the rest of the server.
- The Prime Minister must appoint a Deputy Prime Minister
- The Prime Minister may create Ministries and define their mission and purpose as per the Incorporation Act
- The Prime Minister may appoint Ministers to the aforementioned Ministries
- Other responsibilities are to be decided by either the Prime Minister, or via the House of Commons
Section E: Deputy Ministerial Responsibilities
- Serves as the Acting Prime Minister in the absence of the Prime Minister
Section F: Ministerial Responsibilities
- A Minister's responsibility is to their portfolio as defined by the Prime Minister.
Section G: Speaker’s Responsibilities:
- The Speaker serves:
- As a moderator on the subreddit
- To facilitate the discussion of outstanding legislation in the House of Commons
- To enforce decorum in the House of Commons during such discussions
- To facilitate voting on outstanding legislation after it has been debated and amended
- To enforce the rules of Parliament
- To defend the rights and privileges of the Members of Parliament.
- The Speaker is also responsible for choosing a Deputy Speaker, who will serve as the acting Speaker in their absence.
Section H: Member's Responsibilities:
- A Member of Parliament's main responsibilities are as follows:
- Legislative activity: Proposing, amending, and removing laws and the policies through the legislative process
- Surveillance activity: Scrutiny of the government’s administrative performance, including the spending of money
- A Member of Parliament's additional (optional) responsibilities are as follows:
- Constituency service: assistance for individual citizens, newfriends, and visitors
- Party responsibilities: partisan obligations if a Member of Parliament is a member of a political party